• 100+ Sporting Activities Covered
  • 24/7 Emergency Medical Assistance Team
  • Cruise Extension available
  • Up To £5000 Cancellation Cover

February 2025 Changes

As of 1st February 2025, all Backpacker & Longstay policies will no longer be available.

Also, Annual Multi Trip policies will only be available for new customers up to the age of 74.

February 2024 Changes

This details the main changes to the updated policy wording from 1st February 2024. It does not contain a record of every amendment or those made to individual client policies. Please ensure that you read in full any documentation provided in conjunction with the updated policy wording to determine the full terms, conditions, limitations and exclusions of the policy cover.

Policy wording changes

Delay and Abandonment If you are delayed

  • The delay benefit is now applied for your whole trip and not each time you are delayed. Customers will be able to claim for cancelled departure or additional transport costs, but not both. For detailed terms of each section, refer to the wording.
  • If you are on the outward leg of your journey (to your pre-booked final destination) from the UK and delayed by at least 12 hours due to one of the reasons listed, you can claim for unused travel and accommodation costs.

Under the medical exclusions, the definition regarding blood alcohol level exceeding 0.19% is now defined as approximately:

  • 5 times the legal drink driving limit in the UK

Under the Personal Accident, Personal Liability and Legal Expenses section, a new definition has been added:

  • Prospect of success: A view (when supported by independent legal advice) that you do have more than 51% chance of winning the case and achieving a positive outcome

Under the Legal Advice section, an addition has been made:

  • Additional travel expenses in the event that a court outside your home country requires you to attend in connection with an event giving rise to an action under this section, up to a maximum per insured person of £1,000.
  • Four additions (point 6-9) have been added to the ‘there is no cover for’ section.

Under Sports and activities NOT covered, an addition has been made:

  • Mechanically assisted and electronic bicycles

Large Scale Events extension

Delay and Abandonment If you are delayed:

  • The delay benefit is now applied for your whole trip and not each time you are delayed. Customers will be able to claim for cancelled departure or additional transport costs, but not both. For detailed terms of each section, refer to the wording.

Delay and Abandonment If you decide to abandon your travel plans:

  • If you are on the outward leg of your journey (to your pre-booked final destination) from the UK and delayed by at least 12 hours due to one of the reasons listed, you can claim for unused travel and accommodation costs.

December 2023 Changes

This details the main changes to the updated policy wording from 19th December 2023. It does not contain a record of every amendment or those made to individual client policies. Please ensure that you read in full any documentation provided in conjunction with the updated policy wording to determine the full terms, conditions, limitations and exclusions of the policy cover.

IPID changes

Under the what is insured section the following change has been made:

  • There is no longer any cover for End Supplier Failure

Under the medical section of the policy there has been a change made to the hospital benefit as below:

  • A customer no longer has to be admitted to a public facility. Both private and public admittances will be considered.
  • There has been a removal of accommodation confinement benefit

Policy wording changes

Under the medical section of the policy there has been a change made to the hospital benefit as below:

  • A customer no longer has to be admitted to a public facility. Both private and public admittances will be considered.
  • There has been a removal of accommodation confinement benefit

There is no longer any cover for End Supplier Failure. Therefore, changes have been made to the following sections of the policy:

  • Your pre-travel policy trip disruption before you travel section
  • Your travel policy trip disruption during your trip section
  • Making a complaint section

July 2021 Changes

From 8th July 2021 the main insurer of our travel insurance products has changed from Union Reiseversicherung AG (URV) to White Horse Insurance Ireland dac . Our cover and prices have not been affected by this change. More information can be found here.

March 2021 Changes

From 11th March 2021 we have moved to a new style policy wording template, which we hope is easier for our customers to navigate and digest. This means several cover levels have been re-named or changed. We have highlighted key changes below:

  • Enhanced COVID cover is now offered as standard on all Flexicover policies on the direct & aggregator (such as MoneySupermarket.com or Compare the Market etc.) products.
  • From 11th March you must purchase our specialist Cruise Extension if your trip involves a cruise.  We define a cruise as “a pleasure voyage of more than 72 hours duration, sailing on sea/s or oceans and/or including stops at various ports”.
  • All direct Multi Trip policies now offer 31 days cover per trip as standard.
  • Multi Trip policies now cover up to and including 85 years on the direct and aggregator products.
  • We have created new Backpacker & Longstay (BPLS) schemes with new cover levels: Standard & Basic.
    • Course fees and computer equipment will now be available as policy extensions on these schemes.
    • The Platinum policy now has an excess of £25.
  • The excess on aggregator policies has been changed to:
    • Premier: £25
    • Standard: £50
    • Economy: £95
  • The Travel Disruption section has been discontinued but similar cover is available as standard on policies.
  • Golf cover has been discontinued.
  • Gadget cover is now offered as standard on:
    • Direct: Diamond, Platinum & Gold & BPLS Standard.
    • Aggregator: Diamond, Premier & Standard & BPLS Standard.
  • Gadget cover is not available on:
    • Direct: Silver & BPLS Basic.
    • Aggregator: Economy & BPLS Basic.

Please visit the pages below for up to date information:

  • Cover Levels – https://www.flexicover.co.uk/travel-insurance/cover-levels
  • Destinations – https://www.flexicover.co.uk/travel-insurance/destinations
  • Policy Documents – https://www.flexicover.co.uk/travel-insurance/policy-wordings

January 2021 Changes

From 5th January 2021 all our Single and Multi Trip policies include:

  • Cancellation cover if you are anyone named on the policy test positive for Coronavirus up to 14 days prior to travelling.
  • Denied boarding cover if you and anyone named on the policy are prevented entry at the airport on your inbound flight due to showing symptoms of COVID-19 .
  • Plus much more click here for more details.

October 2020 Changes

From 8th October 2020 we are now once again partnered with Verisk to offer their medical screening tool for customers who need to declare medical conditions.

September 2020 Changes

From 24th September 2020 our Staycation Plus Single and Multi Trip policies also include enhanced cover for COVID-19 click here for more details.

August 2020 Changes

From 25th August 2020 our Diamond Single and Multi Trip policies include:

  • Cancellation cover if you are anyone named on the policy test positive for Coronavirus up to 14 days prior to travelling.
  • Denied boarding cover if you and anyone named on the policy are prevented entry at the airport on your inbound flight due to showing symptoms of COVID-19 .
  • Plus much more click here for more details.

April 2020 Changes

As part of launching our brand-new website and quote journey on 1st April 2020, we have changed the way we provide medical screenings, and are now offering the Protectif Medical Risk Rating tool for customers who need to declare medical conditions.

March 2020 Changes

From 13th March 2020, there is no cover under our policies for:

  • Cancellation, abandonment or curtailment claims if the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) advises you not to travel, for example where the FCDO advise against all but essential travel to an area affected by Coronavirus, COVID-19, Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS-COV-2) or any mutation of Coronavirus, COVID-19 or SARs-COV-2.
  • Any claims as a result of Coronavirus, COVID-19, Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS-COV-2), any mutation of Coronavirus, COVID-19 or SARs-COV-2 or any pandemic or fear or threat of any the above. Except for Section B** Emergency Medical Expenses. This will only apply if you did not travel against the published advice of the FCDO, any local government, local authority or WHO.
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